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Image by Nick Fewings




  • Cockatoos usually only weigh one pound when they are fully grown.

  • They live in big groups, or flocks.

  • Depending on the species, most cockatoos can live from 25-60 years. 

  • Emus are the 2nd largest bird in the world. The 1st is the Ostrich.

  • The way to tell whether its an Emu or an Ostrich is the toes. Emus have only three toes.

  • Emus are flightless, even though they have wings. The wings are used to cool themselves down and to steer themselves when running.


  • A male duck is called a drake, a female duck is a hen, and a baby duck is a duckling.

  • Ducks are curious and friendly creatures and have been domesticated as pets and farm animals for more than 500 years. 

Indian Runner Duck

  • Indian Runner Duck legs are set far back on their body and as a result, this duck stands nearly upright like a penguin.

  • They don't waddle, instead they can actually run.

  • They have very small wings and as a result, are unable to fly

  • Females usually lay about 300 eggs a year or more! 


  • Male chickens are called roosters while female chickens are called hens.

  • Baby chicks can eat and walk after hatching and only need help keeping warm.

  • Hens lay up to 240 eggs in a year.


  • Males are known as "Peacocks", females are known as "Peahens", and the babies are known as "Peachicks."

  • Peacock feathers are called a train. This train develops after they turn three years old.

  • They do not like to be alone.

  • Their sound is a low pitch that humans are unable to hear. 

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